Shouting quietly

Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are estimated to touch the lives of over 500,000 families throughout the UK. Living with autism or an autistic family member is a daily challenge and Autism Guernsey champions the rights and interests of all people with autism in Guernsey, Alderney, Herm and Sark, and tries to ensure that they and their families receive quality services appropriate to their needs. So when we were asked to design a brand for this inspirational institution we really had to do our research to ensure that the brand was not only impactful and appealing to the outside world but also sympathetic and appealing to those who live with Autism. The brand also had to embody the sense of discussion and the opening up of dialogue and lines of communication between those suffering with autism and the outside world.

Colour was fundamental in the process and indeed our starting point for the project. Many people with autism have sensory sensitivity. This can affect one or more of the five senses sight, sound, smell, touch and taste. A person's senses can be over-developed (hypersensitive) or under-developed (hyposensitive): both can impact on how people experience, and cope with, different environments.It is generally accepted that low arousal colours such as pale blues, greens and pastel hues are best recieved. Patterns can be confusing and may increase anxiety.

Hopefully what we have created truly resonates and appeals to those living with autism and we wish Autism Guernsey well as they roll the brand out to the public.