Chariots of dire

Picture the scene: Four supreme athletes at the pinnacle of their physical prowess wait poised at the starting line, the summer heat shimmering on the molten asphalt; poised, primed, laser focused, the product of years of training, tuning, whittling their wiry frames into something closer to polished metal than flesh. OK well it was nothing like that, but our Potting Shed relay team did us all proud regardless as they flogged themselves around the 4 x 1 mile circuit of the Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management Inter-firm relay.

Josh led off on the first leg and set a blistering pace, steamrollering up Smith Street to hand over to Aimee. Unfortunately for Aimee that steamrollering did not relent as he handed over to her and (see video on our FB page) he knocked her to the ground and trampled over her (steroid induced rage perhaps?). Unperturbed Aimee rose like a phoenix from the ashes of her humiliation, brushed the pieces of gravel from her bruised body and strode off on lap two, coming home with a smile on her face and a victory salute before handing over to the skipper. Nat “The Gazelle” Whitty took off like ... well like a gazelle and tore around the circuit gracefully striding up the final hill with a smile that made her look far too comfortable for this reporters liking. That left one man standing, Vidamour. More beast than man pacing restlessly, waiting for his moment, the crowd around him sensing the energy and nervously bustling into each other to keep their distance from this uncontainable force of nature. Finally Nat reaches the handover, gingerly touching over in fear for her own safety ... and he was off! No one will ever truly know what happened on that remarkable lap but as, bearing his teeth, Luke tore up Smith Street to bring the team home a hushed awe fell over the crowd followed by a rising murmur that built into a roar “Vi-da-mour! Vi-da-mour!”. He took the tape and with it the hearts of everyone there. The Post Office team may have pipped ours by several minutes but lets not get lost in the details.

The heroic acts of the Potting Shed quartet will live long in the memories of world sport. OK it won’t but seriously well done guys we are very proud of you all.