How No.4: We Recruit Intelligence

What makes Potting Shed tick? At the heart of this is our Why but for us to get to that we have to understand our How. How do we what we do and how it drives us?

How No.4: We Recruit Intelligence

Is it enough to be a great designer, creative, developer or project manager? At Potting Shed the answer is ‘no’. When we recruit we look for more.


The life of a creative is a constant struggle between the fear of a blank canvas and the euphoria of an idea. Our creatives need to work through those moments of self doubt and uncertainty. They struggle, slog, sweat, and fight to bring that perfect idea to life for your company. Ideas need nurturing; often coaxing into something solid and real, something that can help to grow a business. They need to challenge themselves, challenge the status quo and, importantly, challenge the brief. A great creative can come up with a great concept. Our creatives can change the world.


Designers need to tackle a myriad of visual and content decisions every day while simultaneously taking into account the things a client does (and doesn’t ;)) say. They find the delicate balance of the brand and the message. An encyclopedic knowledge of typesetting, print techniques, digital requirements and animation tools is employed daily. Client communications are both considered, and considerate, at all times. And, of course, every job is completed on time and on budget. A great designer can make something look great. Our designers make it work, whilst looking great.


Developers are analytical by nature. Lost in a world of languages that few mere mortals can comprehend. They write line after line of code which transforms a blank screen into thing of wonder. They work alongside you, our project managers and designers; all whilst balancing the elegant complexity of the solutions they craft. They test, tweak, fix, review, amend, update, debug, upload, download... and finally make live, to bring your brand to life. A great developer can write some decent code. Our developers write an unforgettable story. 

Project Management 

Communication is the weapon of choice for project managers. Working with our clients and suppliers - and ensuring both sides aren’t just informed, but happy - is no mean feat. But compared with dealing with creatives, designers and developers - it’s a walk in the park. Every minute is spent liaising, prodding, informing, strategising and chasing (with a smile) - to produce the best project for you. They are the oil that keeps the engine running and the glue that binds each project together. A great project manager can make a project great. Our project managers can make a business great.