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Landing Apollo: A Stellar Brand for Social Change

We're passionate about using creative intelligence to drive meaningful change. In Apollo, a Guernsey-based social enterprise dedicated to empowering disadvantaged youth, we found a like-minded collaborator. They approached us with a vision, and we were tasked with giving it form - from brand identity to a compelling presentation deck which could get the project off the ground.

We kicked off with a brand identity that's as dynamic as Apollo's vision. Primal geometric shapes became the building blocks of the brand, symbolising growth, process, and transformation. A radiant orange was chosen as the brand colour, mirroring Apollo's optimistic ethos.

The culmination of our efforts was a presentation deck, complete with bold typography, strong iconography, and narrative-based photography. This not only serves as Apollo's calling card but also acts as a launchpad for their mission to make a more significant social impact.

We'll be following Apollo's trajectory closely as we keep working with them - watch this space, this brand is going places. 

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