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Kudos to the Kids

‘Reaching New Heights together’. That sounds remarkably like the opening to a motivational speech? Tony Robbins – is that you? Or was that Bear Grylls’ tag line on The Island last year? Oh no, this linguistical mastery was formulated in the minds of two youthful creatives from St. Sampson’s High – in true marketing style.

Thrust with the opportunity to produce a logo for their year group, Joe Salmon & Ethan Levins trumped the bunch with a keen eye for iconic imagery. Hands jumping in the air; evoking powerful memories of classroom life for some whilst simultaneously symbolising unity for others. Tied nicely in with their school colours and underlined with a catchy strapline. Our digital adaptation was a breeze – the hard work was already done. We couldn’t have done better if we tried - kudos to the kids.

Author Potting Shed